woke at 1 AM with a side splitting headache

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It felt like one of the sinus variety. So, I popped 2 asprins and sat up for a bit for the effects to take. It finally did at about 2:30 AM. The irony was that I had actually hit the sack early because today is going to be a busy one.

Lot’s of cleanup to do… that is key because we have an open rehearsal tonight of Tale End with an invited audience. They leave in the AM for SF Thursday morning. The Fringe actually begins tonight. They have to arrive before 2 PM for a scheduled tech rehearsal at the Phoenix Theatre. Then, at 10:00 PM it’s blast off!

Jess is the Ms. White this week. Rehearsal went well last night. The show has evolved further from the warm-up performances a couple of weeks ago at Full Circle. The fact that Vye is stage managing really makes a difference. With her professionilism and attention to detail I am confident that things will run smoothly… especially considering the quick tech tomorrow at the venue.

So, here we are… and the cast will be blogging from there.

More later… or even a new post… perhaps… hey, it happened yesterday.