a shake-up is needed

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With the sun being gone for a while (it finally appeared this morning) one (meaning moi) has had the tendency to curl up and hibernate. Trouble is listlessness leads to restlessness in me. Not that I’m one of those super high energy type people but I do like to be active. So, when I spied the sun peeking over the trees this morning I immediately put in a load of laundry. (Wow… Lecram… you do lead an exciting life!)


… that I face a significant milestone in less than a month. The odd thing about this (by conventional standards) is that thoughts swirling in my deranged head did not drift toward nostalgia and reminiscing but surged toward what more was up ahead. The realization that there was still a heck of a lot more to do promptly diminished the significance of this so called milestone to being only a number. The thing is I neither dreaded nor looked forward to it’s arrival. So, when it does arrive chances are I will treat it as part of a continuum.


… I may be up to some mischief today. Hopefully, the results of which will be more apparent tomorrow.(At least, I hope so.) HINT: The lighting today is much better than it has been the last couple of weeks

Hmm… a thought just occurred. (Don’t look so surprised… it happens on occasion.) There has been a lot of talk of late about a “bucket list”… especially since the release of the movie. I propose… if you have such a list you amend it to a “mischief list”. (I freely cop to the fact that most of my more creative “achievements” began life as some form of mischief.) The difference being that everytime you cross one off (after perpetuating it, of course) you replace it with another. That way you never run out. Catch my drift here?  😈 To help perpetuate this… list your first three in the comment section below. (Just don’t forget to keep a copy for yourself.) Cheers!

BTW… image for this post is from here.