as per usual…

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… when my forward action engine starts things begin to happen… usually in clusters.

# 1. Over the weekend and most of Monday I did a presentational cd for a client (Aileen). Once I handed the product over and was given a check for the work done I felt the inklings of a snowball effect begin.

#2. That evening I got a call from another potential client (this time for video) to come into her office… which I did yesterday. A “start-up check” was handed over to me so that work can begin. I will be steeped in pre-production for the next couple of weeks and begin shooting the first weekend of January. Nothing to retire on but this gig will keep us fed and sheltered for a while.

# 3. Got a call last night from a local restaurant owner who wants to meet me tomorrow for some consulting work.

So, good things abound.


She was foggier than usual yesterday which gave me concern. I have been diligent about care taking… but I never feel I’m doing enough. This morning she still seemed foggy. A nurse friend will be coming over to give her the once over and I’ll decide from there where this goes next. The good news is that after I sponged her down and gave her something to drink she asked, “What the hell did you give me to drink?” I think that’s a good sign.


I was informed yesterday evening that my aunt (Mum’s elder sister) passed away. I figured that in her present condition Mum didn’t need to hear this. I called and spoke to my Godson (my aunt is his grandmother) and was gratified to hear that she went peacefully and died where she wanted to… at home. Go with love and peace Aunty Betsy.

I also found out that a friend from college who had opened the first Thai resturant in the Big NO passed away in November after a long illness. A hard working gentle soul who will be missed.

That’s it for now.