Da Count – borrowed ideas

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I do… yes, I do… and usually act on them. As a playwight I have been doing it for years. A mentor once told me “If you are going to steal… steal from the best… and make it better.” My first play “Frogway” is actually a version of “A Star Is Born”… with flippers. All the greats did it. Most of Shakespeare’s plays were rewrites or adaptations of existing works. The originality came from HOW he reworked it.

But this is not limited to grandiose theatre works. Even in everyday life… we borrow ideas from each other. For instance, just yesterday I tried biscotti dipped in red wine… something I picked up from a travel program… and it was good. Really, you should try it some time.

Anyway the most mundane task… with a little borrowed creativity can become so much easier… even fun. When someone says something and the thought bubble “Hmmm… that’s not a bad idea” pops above your head… you are on the verge of borrowing an idea. Sometimes a spark that gets you to rethink a situation or action can open up a whole new world of options. I know it has mine on numerous occasions.

So, my count this week is all my fellow humans who have fertilized the plot that is my mind with ideas (I have borrowed)… especially the ones that have made my life richer.

And in that vein…


My friend KaMotion suggested this in a comment recently and I thought it was a great idea. So, Da Count next week (if you wish to participate) will be a “Redefinition Roundup” of the year.

Some of you know that I make my yearly prediction at 12:01 on the New Year. This year THIS was mine. (See where this is going?)  I think events on the world stage has pretty much played out this prediction of mine.  Has it affected your lives directly and how? Yeah, just a little different way to take stock of the year.
