I wrote myself a note of excuse yesterday…

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sunshine2… but today it’s back to work. Primary shooting has been accomplished on the video project… though there is still some pick-ups and minor shooting still to do. Hoping all that will be accomplished over the next few days. In a meantime there is a lot of video to review, mark and upload before any editing begins. It’s all about groundwork. Once all that I need video and sound-wise has been filed in folders… the real work begins.


Between the internet and TV I was watching the historic events of the day from 5 AM. It was both impressive and moving. Those of you who know me also know that for the most part I am non-partisan and that I am rarely sappy nor sentimental. That being said… I was moved. For a moment I felt sympathy for those who consciously deprived themselves the opportunity to witness the history of yesterday simply because they can’t let go of their disappointment over the results of the election.

In my view… those of us who watched got to see another (and significant) promise in the idea of America become realized. It will be a jolt to the the status quo in more ways and cultural groups than one. It is a jolt that will have reverberations on a wider scale for years to come. No longer can the excuse of race be used to refuse one’s climb out of the “non-opportunity” cultural ditch. That in itself is significant and once the euphoria of yesterday settles… there will be many cultural pockets who will have to face loosening a grip on “values of victimization” that has just been made moot. Am I saying that we have arrived at a “post-racial” point in time? Hardly. There is still a long and challenging road ahead. But I do think we have arrived at the first of many crossroads on this journey. Redefinition and reorientation will be essential to move forward.

Many were looking for the definitive inspirational sound byte in the speech and were disappointed when one didn’t emerge. I on the other hand was impressed with the “it’s time to grow up, people” tone that was posed not only to those here but globally. I was also heartened to also see the ” the opportunity of America are the ones we make” message I have always believed… and what the result of this election was really about.

Anyway… quoting one Mr. Gump… that’s all I have to say about that.