Da Count – doing for oneself

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dacount No… It’s not a sex post (sorry) though it does deal with self love. (Not to be confused with narcissism either.)

For instance, this morning when I awoke the rain was tumbling out of the sky outside. One of my favorite things to do in weather like this is to snuggle up and just listen as the drops fall. There is a certain zen to it. I had morning duties to perform… breakfast for Mum, etc. But I gave myself an extra half hour in bed to indulge in just listening to the rain as it fell outside. I think doing so just made it a better day for me. For one thing… my patience quotient just rose several notches.

25iy8t0No matter what… that little something that we do for ourselves does make a difference. Some of you pamper yourselves with getting your nails or hair done. No matter what it may be… it is that little something that we claim for ourselves that assures that we matter to ourselves. It may be something that requires the expert service of others (hair, nails, etc) or it may be a quiet private indulgence (a moment, hobby, etc). It is that special something that is ours and only ours.

So, on this rainy morning I’m counting that I can… and in so doing make a difference to my immediate environment. Perhaps not in any earth moving kind of way… but it is a difference nevertheless. Feel free to share some of yours in the comment section.

To find out what Da Count is all about… click the flashing sign above.


And since it’s the big LOVE DAY tomorrow here is a little Valentine from me to you. Yeah, I’ve posted this before but I thought this song captures the sublime delight of being in love. Cheers and may it be a good one for all of you!


And if you are in the Big NO… here is sonething to get you and your significant other in the mood. Click the pic for details.
