the annoyance factor

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popelecramWe have all experienced it, haven’t we? You know the friend who (insert annoyance factor here) but you love them despite it. It’s easy to spot in others. Yet, (let’s be honest about it) we all possess something (a trait) that annoys others.

So, here is the challenge… what is one trait of yours (you are aware of) that can be annoying to others. (It doesn’t have to be the most annoying… just one… simply annoying is fine for this exercise.)

Sure… I’ll be fair and start the ball rolling by describing one of mine.


Especially within a discussion/brainstorm about getting something done. An individual will present an idea (all excited and eager) and I will trump it. It will usually begin with the words, “I’ll one up that… what if…” And within the course of counter punching I will both (sometimes concurrently) lay out the total infallibility (with utmost authority) of my idea and subtly shoot holes in the preceding one. If I get my (I’m so smart my shit don’t stink) “tude” on and really get fervent I become merciless and this will inevitably deflate the other person’s enthusiasm and make them feel like a dunderhead in the process. (Dude, I always do my homework and have a tendency of thinking things out at least 3 steps ahead.) It’s not something I’m proud of (the way I present… not how I think)… but it does happen on occasion. (I’ve really tried to curb doing it over the years… but I do slip.) Perhaps it is a carry-over from when I entertained the notion of becoming Pope at a young age.

OK… your turn.

EDIT: BTW… blessings to all of you. Consider all ye who read this canonized.