it was a weird start…

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coconut… start to the week. It began when I awoke at 3:30 AM and just couldn’t re-enter dreamland again. So, I got on and decided to watch an episode of “The Dresden Files“… figuring the drone of something would lull me back to sleep. 3 Episodes later it became plainly evident that sleep was not going to be in the cards for me.

So, the sun rose and the day and it’s duties got underway. Once chores were accomplished… I set out for lunch (corn beef burgers… leftovers from St.Paddy’s, I suspect… but good nevertheless) and a shopping trip with the lovely Joy.

The haul included lemongrass now sits in water and I’m hoping it roots soon. Yeah, I’m planting those next to the cilantro. (Refer to pictures in the post below for a visual.)  Also ::trumpet fanfare:: got a keffir lime plant in a pot. Exciting because I’ve been wanting one for at least 4 years. Now I have to figure out where to plant it. Even picked up a couple of young coconuts as an afternoon dessert. I haven’t had fresh coconut juice out of a coconut in a while… it was good.

Then I thought a short nap was in order. Fell into a dead sleep and boy the dream that spun out of it was entertaining to say the least. All I’ll say about that is… dancing pigs with tap shoes and umbrellas. “I’m singing in the swill… just singing in the swill” – I kid you not. Amazing what a doozy the mind can churn out in the dream department in half and hour.

Hopefully, I get a full night’s slumber tonight. Got a doozy of your own to share? Leave it in the comment section.