there are some mornings…

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6719-mirror… when that mug of coffee provides that little extra to help me get going. There are other mornings when it fires up the hyper anxious machine and makes a Nervous Nelly out of me. I’m not entirely sure what that is all about. Fluctuating body chemistry probably. I’ve also noticed the varied response to other consumables too… like booze or dairy products.

Depending on the day the body will respond to various “ingestions” in different ways. Of course, I likened this to being a shape-shifter… morphing from one thing to another. We may all like to think that we are set in our ways… but our bodies and biology may have different ideas and tend to remind us when we least expect it.

The only reason I bring this up is because I was mind doodling about the invention of a device that will tell us what we could ingest that day and what we shouldn’t. I envisioned it as a mirror like device that we look at first thing in the morning. Perhaps words will appear “No dairy today” … or… “only half a cup of java if you absolutely have to.” It could be further developed to analyze your entire biology.

Though I’m sure if it was actually invented some bright person would make it more visual. So you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and W.C. Fields looks back – “no booze and have a salad for lunch”.  Or Hugh Hefner – “make sure you get laid.” The possibilities are limitless… both fun and scary.