Da Count – where I am

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dacountThe Big NO has been my home for lo these 30 years. It’s not particularly known as a glamorous city but it is a good place. At least it has been good to me.

fresnoSure, it does have it’s issues… but every city does. The bottom line is it is affordable, the people are great… plus produce is fresh and abundant. (This is key for a foodie like me.) Over the years the cultural diversity has expanded to make living here even more of a richer experience.

More importantly it has been a sanctuary for my creative (and often) wacky endeavors. Ironic because the mindset here is generally down to earth with very little pretension. Though it is that solid honesty which has been of paramount influence in shaping both my work and daily dealings with those around me.

Many who have moved on (and some who have never even been here) often (feel compelled to) take pot shots at the place. This used to anger and irritate me especially from those who were born and bred here. (That is like disowning a part of your life that shaped you and negating your friends and loved ones who still live there.) But no longer. Simply because it takes a special, stalwart, honest breed to live and create in a place which may not be the easiest… but is also not impossible… and that is worth counting.

To find out what Da Count is all about… click the flashing sign.