early summer mornings…

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Fresnodawn2… in the Big NO are really quite nice. The nights around these parts are very pleasant as well… though they are touted much more than the mornings are. I’m guessing that has more to do with the “nightbirds” who very seldom experience the mornings claiming more often than not that they are “not morning people”.

I like the mornings. Especially when it begins with just a glow of promise in the sky. Perfect for gathering thoughts and contemplating the actions of the day. For me it helps ease into the new day as the glow brightens. The air is cool and fresh making the day ahead feel more promising. Even the challenges seem less daunting.

Sure, I have been on the other end as well… starting the day resentful of “having to” wake up. It just colors the rest of the day with a darker grey and is not as fun. I found that everything seemed more rushed and inconvenient in that mode. Sure it still does happen on occasion. But more often than not… I really like the mornings.