the end of an era has come to da Big NO

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Yes, the public works that has been occurring on our streets involves the installation of water meters. They are a couple of streets away and soon enough (probably in a day or two) burly men with hardhats and orange vests will descend on my street tapping into lines and putting those meters in. Gone will be the days of flat rate unfettered water usage… which was always a curiosity to me considering the area is technically a desert.


A new theatre company is starting up in town.  I wish them well. I’m hoping they bring something new to the theatre scene especially in terms of new works and faces to the Fresno stage. Too often the companies here share the same talent pool instead of encouraging new talent. Nothing wrong with the existing talent pool but I would really like to see it grow.


That’s all I have today… except that perhaps next week doing the annual Sarong To Summer post. There have been some great participants in the past. Chime in if you are interested in participating.


EDIT: Oh yeah… Happy Hump and 999 Day!

EDIT 2: Yup, a couple of not so burly guys wearing hardhats and orange vests came by to inform me that work on my street will start tomorrow.