laundry is done and hung…

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… on this nice sunny day here in da Big NO. In fact, I may even take the rather huge pile of bedding etc down to the laundromat with the mondo washers and just spend the rest of it fluffing and folding. The only thing about sun drying this time of the year is the “shadow factor” necessitating the constant moving of the drying rack so that the sun catches it. A small price to pay for dry laundry.

It was a busy but fun weekend. Most of Saturday was spent as a slug. The wet weather decided that for me. Though I did venture out in the evening. First to the grill where I ran into some of the Rogue krewe then to the White Rice Christmas show. (BTW I hear the run is extended with a 2:30 and 7:30 shows on the 19th… so you still have a chance to catch it.) I was back by 9 and in bed by 10.

Sunday was taken up with kitchen and bathroom cleaning. The lovely Joy had invited folk over for a Christmas Tree Trimming shindig and we both felt strongly about presenting the facade of a house that is not in disarray. Mission accomplished… for the most part. Plus it did force us to do more sorting, etc. There is still more to do… but at least part of that mountain has been chipped away.

I then tore myself away from the trimming party to go to dinner at a friend’s. Good company, food, and conversation was just what the doctor ordered to end the weekend nicely. I was home by 10 and in bed soon after.

Yeah, I’ve been hitting the sack early of late… but that seems what the season calls for… at least for me. Hope you had a good one and the week ahead is a stellar one for you.

BTW… don’t be thrown off if I change the template to this blog yet once again. Just in search for a new look… for a new mood.

EDIT: I also came across this over the weekend and have been laughing my ass off. Enjoy.