It’s the people

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Now that some of the “how great/how it sucks” punting on Da Big NO has settled a little let me put my 2 cents in. Yeah, we do have some fun/great amenities and events here… but our biggest strength in my humble opinion which hasn’t really been expounded on … are the people.

Sure, there is diversity in languages spoken, economic classes, etc… but there is a definite “Fresno charm” with the folk around these here parts. This is not just with the movers and shakers but also with the sit-on-the couch variety.

Canadian performer, Nile Seguin once shared his take on Fresno when he spent a week here as, “that quirky kid who sat at the back of the class… who you always thought was weird in school… but who turned out to be really, really cool!”

I guess that speaks (at least to me) on so many levels. Yeah, the rest of the class are going to write you off until they grow up (enough) to get past the externals (and the superficial) to discover you’ve always had more substance in your little finger than they’ve ever had as a gaggle. What makes it even more prominent is that you are still so unassuming about it. See, that’s the charm.

Sure, the city is still split upon the “can do” and the “no can do” line… but we all live, love and work here as best we can. Some attempt to make it better… and succeed. Others are complacent to be naysayers… that’s OK too. It is that continual push and pull that keeps us all alive and striving. Yeah, I am saying that even the naysayers in their heart of hearts are striving for better… in their own strange way.

And that in my estimation is part of our unique quirky charm. We strive and surprise… that to me is and has always been the essence of Fresno.

(picture source:

EDIT: Thanks to The Fresnan for including this blog on This List.