Da Count – friends… old and new @ the Rogue

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dacountRogue time is a good time for that… at least for me it is. They may be performer friends from far and near or those of the more “civilian” variety with whom I have not connected with in a while. With the concentration that occurs at the Rogue chances are good I will run into many of them.

New friends at this time are usually of the performer/artist stripe. Engaging and sharing ideas always perks me up. But more importantly I get to be introduced to them as people. This takes on a slightly different curve with those who I’ve already come to know. I am always intrigued by where they are (and headed) on their journey.

In years past this time to reconnect always seemed fleeting simply because of the frenzied pace of producing the festival. Quick “hellos” and “see ya soon” was the order of the day. With the latter perhaps returning the same time the following year. Though I do not produce this event any longer and actually have the luxury to engage in conversation (for the last 3 years)… the time still seems fleeting because these 10 days still go in the blink of an eye.

So, I savor this time knowing for at least once a year for the talent that inspires and the warmth that provides a new kick start to keep me going. And in the place in life that I’m currently at that counts to me more than they’ll ever know.

“Click the flashing button to find out about Da Count.