freedom and expression…

… and why I champion it. I am writing this not just because the annual Rogue Festival is around the corner… though the festival is proudly tied to this principle.  But I will get to that later in this post. Of late, in conversations with a couple of my more conservative leaning friends, the idea that “the press is the enemy of the people” has been bandied about. I must add that I dearly love …

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crap shooting da Rogue

That simply means bouncing from show to show at the annual Rogue Festival purely on whim. As I told someone this morning, “This provides much more adventure for your entertainment buck.” It is the one time of year in Fresno you can actually do that. You never know if you’ll be experiencing a stinker or something exquisite using this tactic. Sure, lots of folk meticulously plan their fest experience with Rogue Map in hand like …

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that play I wrote…

… opens at the IndyFringe in a couple of weeks. It might seem strange but I’m more interested than excited to find out how the audience reacts to it. The only reason interest trumps excitement is because I’m still in “writing mode”… or more specifically “tweaking mode” on the piece. The show performed reasonably well at this year’s Rogue Festival. As part of the continuing writing process I watched every performance to spot possible needed …

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back to life… and hopefully forward motion

The Rogue circus has left town. The last two weeks were fun but today I begin the transition toward less crowded salons and projects ahead. Though no less fun this year activity at the salon was more laid back. Numerous conversations and discussions were exchanged and this certainly fed my creative soul. That, along with some wonderful shows I caught certainly widened my own creative sphere of possibilities. Plus, the simple act of reconnecting with …

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when the rogue rolls in

It is that time of the year. The Rogue is here. My days (at rogue time) begin with Rogue performers converging for salon. Some old friends some new. Between 8 AM and noon… and sometimes even after that… they saunter in and float out. Over coffee (which I supply) and pastries and such (that others supply) there is conversation and exchanges over topics a many. Some serious, some fun… and all (mostly) engaging. Kurt Fitzpatrick …

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this & that after a month…

… away from posting anything here. The annual Rogue Festival closed a couple od Saturdays ago. Aye, it was a bit of a whirlwind but one that was a welcomed change for me. Morning “salons” over here with performers – local and from out of town – was abuzz with easy sharing and fellowship which always lifts my creative spirit. There were many shows I got to experience that further lubricated my creative engine. As …

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the act of creation is not glamorous

In fact, it is downright messy. It is fraught with doubt, exasperated by the fear of bombing, distracted by the demon of too many choices and constantly bombarded by the temptation of “putting it aside for later” or worse, giving it all up. I’ve been through this wringer… and I go through it EVERY TIME I start a new project. It is work… no matter what medium you have chosen to create in. I’m writing …

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