Da Count – rogue arriving?

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dacountLast night as I shared dinner with a few of the out of town Rogue performers talking shop, it struck me that… I like this, I really like this. Conversations flitted between discussions on the substance and mechanics of their individual shows to touring adventures with the unique features offered at various festivals of this ilk on the circuit. I felt connected again in a very real way to the creative world I used to live and thrive in. A world that I’m preparing to swim in again soon.

I ruminated about this just before I slid into dreamland last night. There are a few  impressions that instantly came to mind. These provide an inkling that after 9 years this festival could be arriving.

Earlier in the night as I turned up at a venue to catch a show the line literally snaked around the corner. This was a brand new show that only started up for the second half of the festival. The crowd was equally made up of regular folk and regular theatre audiences… both types a good thing. Plus, the line was being worked by performers… though most of them were the out of town types. (This is an aspect of marketing is something that still needs to sink in with most local performers.)

On Wednesday over at the Starline Grill… the place was packed with Suicide Lounge on tap for the evening’s entertainment. A great mix of performers, audience members and volunteers made up the crowd. Half way through their set the band invited performers to plug their shows… which they did to robust support from everyone there. A friend I was sitting with beamed and said. “This is what this festival is about.”  The festival buzz was definitely palpable that night.

On another occasion while having a drink, a local musician friend cornered me with his views on the lack or at least the lower average of original offerings that were locally produced. This has actually been an ongoing topic of discussion by a few over the last couple of weeks. A healthy and lively discussion I might add. One I can hope lights multiple fires and transcends into action not only for the festival but becomes part of the local creative landscape.

So, I am counting all of these this week. The question mark in the title is an indication that the festival is not quite there yet… but these impressions that I have shared (and if paid attention to) indicate the station may not too far off in the distance.