I’m being censored

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At least where our video entry for the upcoming Swede Fest is concerned. The reason? The excessive use of the word “bitch” (mostly used as a verb) in our video entitled “The Blair Bitch Project”. The producers sent me a message stating their discomfort & concern over this last night.

I respect their right and decision to re-edit the piece to conform to the “family friendly” tone they want to set for the festival. However, I have also asked for a disclaimer to be tagged on that reads something like the following at the festival on Saturday.

“The original cut was edited by festival producers for language and content to fit within the rules and format of the Swede Festival.”

I think that’s pretty fair to all parties. But being censored… oohh… I feel like such a bad boy. Though it kinda makes me laugh considering the bitch of a time I had cutting out all the (real) profanities I had to skirt around in the footage.

Now back to prepping for my show which opens tonight. Yikes! BTW… there may be a second post later today.