gingko raiding and a busy week

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On occasion, during my morning walks I’ve been known to pilfer the leaves off any Gingko tree that I happen to come across. (Truth be told… I’ve scoped out where every one is located in my hood.) Only 20 or 30 on each “raid”… nothing too dramatic. I don’t do it every day and there is no sad trail of bald gingko trees in my neighborhood or anything like that.  In fact, doing so actually perpetuates more growth.  OK… I’ll admit that I do enjoy a bit of that naughty feeling when I’m engaged in this somewhat clandestine activity.

(Why… oh, why are you sinking into this dark and dastardly life of crime, Lecram?!) On my 40th birthday a (nurse) friend of mine gave me a bottle of baby aspirin as a gift with this nugget. “When  we get to a certain age our bodies needs a little help in the circulation department.” I could have been offended… but I have never had a hang up about the natural process of getting older. I actually appreciated the gift and for 10 years popped a baby aspirin every morning as part of my morning routine.

A few years ago I switched to gingko because… well, because it does the same thing… promotes circulation. (It has been used in Asian medicine for centuries.) I started off with the tablets… and I still take them but on occasion I use the fresh leaves to make a tea. It actually has a nice nutty flavor. I also enjoy the fact that gingko has been around since dinosaurs ruled the earth. So, there you have it… the motivation for my crime spree.

In other news… it will be a busy week shooting and editing video. Coming back to it after a month break has been refreshing. I guess you can tell that I’m happy in my work… and really… that’s all that matters.

Cheers and hope you have a great week.

BTW… this is one of the trees I “raided” this morning. And to combat a steep slide into a life of crime… I planted my own gingko tree in the yard yesterday. It’s a slow grower though so the spree will continue for a while more. 🙂