so, I get on these kicks

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Some call it phases or periods or obsessions or… call it what you want. And if you know me… or even read this blog you probably are aware of that already.

What do we have of late? Um… let’s see… gardening, coffee, healing herbs, scandie crime thrillers, etc… anyway, you get my drift.

This is also reflected in my work… especially as a playwright. I tend to explore genre and styles… never really sticking to one. Some stick and become ongoing delights/endeavors and some fall by the wayside.

Mum would often say, ” You get distracted so easily.” I guess that’s true. Though when I do get on a kick I plunge in with an obsessive focus that can be frightening to some. OK, perhaps not frightening but at least disconcerting to some. (Many have found that my movie collection is very alarming… especially my collections of “jesus movies”, “70’s disaster movies”, “movies from Hammer Studios”…  just to name but some.)

I used to think it was because I get bored easily. I have since re-thought that and would like to officially amend that to the following: I’d like to think that I am continually exploring… and in the process learning. Filling my noggin with all sorts of information like a walking external hard-drive – both trivial and of substance in the hope that the dots will somehow be connected down the line… that in some future endeavor some of it might be of use.

BTW… I can vouch that it does and that anything learned is never wasted.

So, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it… for now.

On a related note… last night I got on a (smaller) kick. I typed in “The Story Of…” in a search engine just to see what came up. Then I typed it into a torrent site… you’d be amazed at the breath and scope of what came up. (Yes, I do torrent (on occasion)… yes, I know it is evil that I delve into the dark side of the internets… get over it.)

Excuse me… I have some documentaries to watch.