I found a nickle…

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… this very nickle on one of my morning walks this weekend.

i usually find pennies. Not too often… every once in a while. But this weekend it was a nickle. Will this equate to 5 times more luck?

Sure, I’ve found pennies in the past. None of them have brought me the luck that I designated to them. Not one. “This means I will get that gig!” or “This will finally mean (fill in the desire of your choice here)” But none of those things happened… ever. And for a while there I thought luck had eluded me.

“All this finding a penny and it will bring you luck is nonsense… Balderdash, I say!”

That is, until I started thinking and understanding the nature of luck. 

Definition of LUCK

a : a force that brings good fortune or adversity
b : the events or circumstances that operate for or against an individual
: favoring chance; also : success <had great luck growing orchids>

EUREKA MOMENT: The long and short of it is… we don’t choose luck. Luck chooses us. As such, we have no place in designating what that luck will be or how it should function in our lives. Luck chooses… be it good or bad. Our desires are totally dependent on us to achieve.

That totally changed my outlook.

Since then I’ve been pretty certain that every penny I’ve ever found in the past has brought me luck. Not the luck I’ve imagined but luck nevertheless. Heck, each and every one made me a penny richer than I was before I found it. That in itself is luck, isn’t it?

And what of the nickle that I found? I won’t get into detail but I will say that a potentially stressful situation was averted thus allowing me the freedom to pour my energies towards achieving a creative desire.

Now that is luck.