a creative schedule

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scheduleI need one. Yes, I’m currently in the process of cobbling one together.

“A creative schedule? Is there such a thing?”, you might ask.

The short answer is… yes & yes.

The romantic notion that folk create out of thin air at their own whim and fancy is a patently false one. Creating is work and one has to treat it that way… at least if one is to get anything accomplished.

So, it includes things like deadlines. Yes, the dreaded “D” word. Without deadlines nothing would happen. Well, OK… a lot would happen… except for the work at hand.

There are two schedulesĀ  I’m in the process of putting together at the moment. The macro and the micro.

The former deals with the number of projects I want to accomplish this year. That magic number is 5. Ambitious, I know. And it is also true that I haven’t been that ambitious in quite a while.

The latter (micro) is by per project… all the way from creation (conception/writing) to realization (final product). So, that one has to factor in not only writing (and rewriting) but also casting, rehearsals, etc… until completion.

In the case of both, macro and micro, one has to allow for a generous (and realistic) leeway for roadblocks and detours. Of course, one has to strive to minimize those but they do occur. However, that leeway cannot be too generous because without a good pace of forward motionĀ  the temptation to chuck it all will inevitably sneak in. Then one will be back to gobbling ho-hos and staring blankly into space.

What are these creative projects? One is my next trilogy entitled “the blood and money trilogy”. At least that is up first and the one I’m hoping to complete by Fall. The other two are top secret… for now.

The kicker is I have to fit all of this into the regular business of life. but I’ve always maintained that nothing worthwhile is accomplished at one’s own convenience. So, put that into your pipe and smoke it… or better still… live it.

OK, time for me to live it and now back to scheduling.