my new songstress crush

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img-melody-gardotHer name is Melody Gardot. I was initially introduced to her music when one of her songs was featured in the soundtrack of something I was watching.

Of course, my first reaction was, “Is this the case of a ‘one song wonder’ or is there more?” I started searching and there was more… much more. “She’s the goods!”, as a friend of mine would say.

In my humble estimation her songs/compositions have a strong sense of melody (a facet that always scores high marks from me) and their delivery exudes just the right undertone of subtle tension to keep it interesting.

Personally I’ll admit to also feeling a “creative kindredness” because (like me… at least I’d like to think so) Ms. Gardot also explores and dives into different genres unabashedly while still retaining her own voice. Anyway, here are three samples. Enjoy.
