so, I’ve been camping out…

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sunrise… for the last 3 nights. Not (as you might expect) in any sort of wilderness paradise… but on the sofa under the gazebo in my driveway. Romantic and adventurous, eh?

You see Chocolate (my dog) has been barking her little head pff at 2 or 3 AM in protest of the neighborhood cat who has taken to lounging in the easy chair located next to said sofa. So, I’ve taken to sleeping on the sofa to discourage any unfettered feline lounging and to pacify the dog. Ah, the sacrifices I make to keep the peace and quiet in the neighborhood.

Though with the weather warming up with the season I have to say the experience has been really quite pleasant. It is sort of like camping out. I never really paid much attention to the night sounds of the neighborhood. Most of them from various critters… broken up at intervals by the mournful wail of a train.

Any surprises? Yes, actually. Traffic on one of the thoroughfares a couple of blocks away begins at 4 AM. Not that I’m surprised that some folk head out to work at that time but it is the number of folk… based on the constant stream of  traffic sounds.

How long am I planning to do this? (You might ask.) For as long as it takes, I guess. In the meantime I’m looking into some kind of natural cat repellent to spray on the outdoor lounge spots. I have heard that a mint/citrus combo might be effective.

Until then… I’m camping.