the unthinkable has happened

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I’m a little addicted to this game. (Click the pic to go to it.) I was a lot addicted a week ago when I first came across it and spent hours playing it. I don’t do that anymore… though I do find myself playing at least one full game daily.

I’m not a gamer… never have been. The last time I threw myself into a computer/online game was years ago. Heck, the first game I ever played was in the old days of DOS. “Leather Goddess Of Phobos“… that’s what it was called… and it was the text based version. The last visual game I played was “Leisure Suit Larry“… when it first came out. In computer time… that was eons ago. There was a time I would play 3 rounds of “Freecell Solitaire” as my warm-up to write plays though even this hardly qualifies me as a gamer.

So, what appealed to me about this present game? Here’s the premise: the game gives you a random geo pic from Google and you have to guess the location.

What’s not to like? I’m a fan of TV crime-drama (see post below) and consider myself somewhat of a geography nerd… and this game appeals to both those subjects. The great thing about these Google geo pics is that it allows a 360 degree view plus one can “travel” down the road to gather clues for an informed guess. These may include road markers, architecture… and if I’m lucky the actual name of the place. So, this allows me to put my powers of deduction to work.

Ah, the thrill of actually pin-pointing a spot. At my best I’ve come within 0.167 KM to a spot and even my misses are at least within the same latitude.

Yeah. I’m prone to games that make me feel smart. I’m funny like that.

I’m not sure how long this romance will last… but I’ll enjoy it while I have it.