one down… and two of three to go

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screenplayYep, I completed the first screenplay for my next trilogy yesterday. This trilogy will be called “Death & Money” and the title of said completed screenplay is “Los Musicas Muetos”.

Unlike my last (Love & Death) trilogy, which took about a year and a half to complete, I’m aiming to get this all done within a 2-3 month period. A challenge? You betcha… especially for a no budget production.

On the upside… and unlike my last trilogy (Did I already mention my last trilogy?)… I have all the stories for this one already lined up. So, now it’s just a matter of committing them into script form. One down and two to go.

I guess this sort of explains the increase in blog activity over here, eh? Yep, I do use blogging as a form of warm-up to my writing day. It gets the “engine to string words into a cohesive whole” going.

Yes, writing does involve thought… but it is also a very physical activity. (Don’t laugh.) The mechanics of pounding out words is an essential element to the process. It also serves to clear and reconnect the pathways between the noggin and the hand. It’s not unlike a musician doing “runs” on their instrument of choice before embarking on a performance.

This is not unique to me. Years ago I was commissioned to catalogue William Saroyan’s stuff. (NOTE: He had a lot of stuff.) While doing so I came across legal sized pages of drafts that began with the pledge of allegiance and then continued (single spaced) with the start to a story or play. Apparently, typing out the pledge was his “engine starter”.  I also learned that the his daily routine was to complete at least one page – legal sized and single spaced – before he allowed himself to go out and play.

So, I guess in many ways this is a (dire) warning that I’m back to blogging on a more regular basis than I have in the recent past. (Dude, 7 new posts in as many days!) As such… if you happen to stumble by… feel free to leave a comment.
