pith wearing for good measure

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wolseley-pithSome of you know I’m a fan of the pith helmet. Yes, I own several and am always looking to expand my collection. For instance, of late I’ve been eying the Africa Korp Pith , and the Bombay Bowler… along with the Vietnam Pith… oh, I could go on but this is not a post about me and what “topi” I want to buy next.

Case and point: I’ve been stuck on the first paragraph while salivating over pictures of piths.

Now back to the point of this post… um… oh yeah…

Some of you also know that I do an early walk around sunrise. This is also when I wear my pith. My favorite is the Wolseley, like the one in the picture.

“Oh, how quaint.” you might say or ” Damn he’s weird.” Either works.

Well, there is a practical reason why I don such distinctive head-wear as the darkness fades into the light of day. It’s so the cops don’t stop me as a house invasion suspect.

Yep, there has been a rise in all sorts of robberies in the area. Everything from bikes to copper wiring has been stolen of late. In fact, I’ve been a victim of the latter… right out of my garage.

So, apart from loving my piths, I figure that cops won’t stop me because they would reason that no thief in his right mind would wear something that just screams, “LOOK AT ME!” It’s just counter-intuitive to a robber’s mindset.

So far so good… I have yet to be stopped by a member of law enforcement… for now. Though I’m not thrilled with the rising reports of houses and people being robbed… life goes on.