… and then you find the key…

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… not that you were looking for it but you’re thankful that you did.

Yesterday was a bit of a frustrating one. I was deep in the “nerd pit” trying to troubleshoot an issue with a new install of some updated software. It wasn’t a life or death issue but one that would create more convenience. Ironic considering it took a whole day… without a definitive solution.

Then I wake up this morning and (bing!) figure out a work-around. Sure, we all know this kind of thing happens all the time. Walk away… get some space… and the solution comes. Of course, it is a lot easier than the complicated way you thought it should be done. (Isn’t it always? Myopic vision always attempts to cram too much into one little tube.)

So, now I’m all happy with this current state of affairs. The day (with solution) started off well. I make coffee and go about my day. Part of it usually involves between half an hour to 45 minutes of surfing… usually for interesting and informative stuff out in the aether.

Then I come across something (without looking for it) and it totally provides the key to an entirely different project that I’m working on. BAM! Suddenly, that project (that I had put aside to “cook” for a bit) is jettisoned to the forefront. Not in quite as dramatic a way… but akin to a vessel going into warp-drive in space to suddenly arrive at the desired destination in a flash.

:: insert sound of heavenly chorus here ::

The thing is, the answer was there all along… but it took a view from the outside for it to become… key.

Just for a little fun… there are clues in the graphic at the top of this post… and if you click it you will see the source that unlocked the door.

Cheers and may you find your key today as well.