Da Count – a memory to mine

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Da Count is a day early… not that I’ve been consistent with that or any such thing… but here it is anyway. Figured it is apropos since it is Thanksgiving and all. Here’s wishing you a good one with your loved ones today.

So, what is this count all about then? Well, I am presently in the throes of creating a new theatre piece… that’s what. In so doing I rely on my memory to inform me and provide substance and content.

Memory is a tool writers rely heavily upon. Some might be snippets from other works. Some on knowledge acquired. Some on experiences – personal or remembered and related by others. They all go into the stew pot of creativity where bits and pieces are fished out to form the story.

Often times it is like deducing the recipe of a dish. No differently than an astute chef dreaming up a dish and thinking, “This is what I want it to taste like.” Then setting about with his/her knowledge of ingredients to achieve the desired effect. “A smidge of this and two dashes of that… ” Anyway, you get the analogy. (I hope.)

I read somewhere that writers have an elephant’s memory. That can certainly be true… at least in my case. Sometimes what I can remember does confound old friends. Sometimes, I confound myself. For instance, this morning I was musing that I can remember seeing a new road being created from scratch. Most can remember a road being paved… but I actually remember seeing one laid out where none existed.

Yeah, it is an odd thing to remember, I’ll admit. It’s one of the quirks of having an active memory… you remember things you rather forget. Still, I wouldn’t trade it for anything… it helps my work… and thus I’m counting it today… while I still have one (a memory) to enjoy.
