so, it is christmas morn

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I’ve been up since 3 AM. Yeah. Well, my sleep cycle is usually jacked up when I’m working on a project.

Figured I’d post something here today just so I get in at least one post for this month. That usually happens when I’m working on a project.

Have I told you I’m working on a project yet?

What is it? Don’t ask. I will say though that it is kicking my ass. Enough said about that… except that once it is completed enough for me to announce what it is.

Headed out for a walk at 7 AM. The streets were empty. It is one of my favorite times of the year for the morning walk… because the streets are empty. Took the pic above on my walk.

My Christmas decoration? (not that you asked) Here it is… meet Hamlet the Christmas Pig. This was taken at 3 this morning when I got up to get coffee started. Glow-rious, ain’t he?


I’m also susceptible to bad puns when I’m working on a project.

Anyway, when I got back from said walk (mentioned above) I decided to celebrate with some fortified coffee… fortified with brandy.

Sure, you can blame the non-linear nature of this post on the brandy… but we all know it is it is because I’m working on a project.

What do I want for Christmas? Just for all of us to be good to each other. Is that so much to ask? Perhaps this will inspire you.


Cheers and Merry Christmas to you and yours… and Cheers!