I came in through the bathroom window

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Really, I did just now. OK… duh moment for me. Lecram locked himself out and forgot to take the key.

But let’s work backward… start earlier in the evening. APJ came over and we were going out for drinks. In the car she gets a call. The long and short of it is… Tony is sick and can’t make the Chicago concert at the Big Fresno Fair tonight. The VIP tickets had to be used… so we did. Couldn’t let them go to waste… especially in these trying times, could we?

We get there and after taking a pic of APJ’s tatas… we run into friends… Katie-did, Fishstick (formally known as SSM)… as well as RP & Mrs. RP. Yeah, they were sitting with the serfs and a little jealous that we were… well, not. (I did mention that we were sitting in the VIP section, didn’t I?)

Then there was the concert… I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the story. And yeah… APJ and I were sitting that close to the stage. On several occasions I had to hold her back or she would have jumped on stage and absconded with the guitarist.

And when they played this song (no, the video is from another concert)… I suddenly remembered the name of the girl I slow danced to it with eons ago… when I was um… 16, I think. Funny how that happens, huh? Then again I think it’s probably because it’s the only slow dance I had that entire year.

So, yeah… some changes in the band… including the trumpet player formally of Tower of Power. (Yeah, I won 2 tickets to see them next week. I mentioned it several posts down. Really, you need to keep up with the program here.) Anyway, on that post you’ll see him (the trumpet player) playing with them (TOP) in former times. He’s the mustachioed one with long black hair.

A good time was had by all and we went home with funnel cakes. Guess what’s for breakfast in the morning?