lecram’s blog moving day!

10 AM, Saturday.Yep… that’s what will be happening today. I am however leaving Da Blogs Da Thang versions 1.0 and 2.0 up. Instead of migrating all those posts I sort of like the idea that a “trail of evolution” is left. I may migrate some of the stuff later… but not today. Yes, I am moving to WordPress. (WARNING: Shameless Promotion Up Ahead.) Lecramsblog.com was moved to my Jungle Webs server earlier this year. I …

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Time Wasters… but well worth it

My friend Zonthar doesn’t post very often (he bloody should… the man is brilliant… and witty to boot) but when he does it definately is worth the read. His latest post does give one pause to think about the official monikers given our bits & pieces. Go ahead and send a Hula Card to someone where your message will be danced for them. For those of you who are moving to the Beta… er… New …

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