lecram’s blog moving day!

10 AM, Saturday.Yep… that’s what will be happening today. I am however leaving Da Blogs Da Thang versions 1.0 and 2.0 up. Instead of migrating all those posts I sort of like the idea that a “trail of evolution” is left. I may migrate some of the stuff later… but not today. Yes, I am moving to WordPress. (WARNING: Shameless Promotion Up Ahead.) Lecramsblog.com was moved to my Jungle Webs server earlier this year. I …

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OK… it’s settled.

I’ll be moving soon. The recent rise in hiccups with blogger and other third party applications has prompted this. I’ll be here for a bit more until the new digs are ready. So, stay tuned as this is a heads-up for Da Blogs Da Thang 3.0.

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