singing for her supper… on her birthday

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That’s what the lovely Joy is up to tonight. (And yes… by gum, it is the girl’s birthday.)

THE PLACE: Veni Vidi Vici. THE TIME: 9 PMish. So, if you live in the Big NO… swing on by and wish her well. Suicide Lounge is always worth the time… and a good time it will be as well. If airfare is prohibitive for the rest of you around the globe… GO BY and wish her anyway.

I may just swing by after the read-through tonight. Ya all know how gorgeous the nights can be here in the Big NO and the patio at Veni’s is one of the better places to spend it. So, yeah… most definitely make an appearance… just turn up, dammit!

Well, another morning… another day. Another possibility that this may actually be a rolling post.

EDIT: 8:00 AM


1. I have always been a little envious of individuals I run across who are blissfully unaware. “Really? Gas is up to $4.50? So that’s why filling up my tank for $20 happens twice a week now instead of once. I thought there was somthing wrong with my car.” Not that these individuals are stupid… it’s just that they have decided not to encumber their brains with information that most of us do. That’s really something to admire.

2. Have you ever noticed than when people use the phrase “God bless him/her.” it is usually followed by some disparaging comment about the person or their actions? For instance, “God bless him… he can’t (fill in random ability of your choice) to save his life.” is an example. My question is… does invoking the blessings of the Almighty make the person any less of a dolt… or is it used as a sanctified disclaimer so that Yaweh doesn’t think any less of you for making a snarky remark?

8:45 AM

Just felt like some Billy Joel to kick off the day.