up to my eyeballs with an adventure

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This is the calm of the day I’m beginning to cherish more and more of late. It is also the calm of the day which will be my friend over the next few months. The quiet of the dawn is such a pretty time too… perfect for sipping on my hot mug of java and setting up the events of the day.

Due to medical circumstances the female role in Tale End has had to be recast. The 2 beautiful young ladies who tried out yesterday are both talented individuals… and each brought unique spins to the role. This posed a dilemma to the producers and me… admittedly a delicious one at that.

After much discussion (over several beers) it was decided that we would cast both in the role. Each of them would split performance dates at the SF Fringe. From my end as a director this also means double the rehearsals… but as a playwright this also provides 2 new versions of the show.

The adventure of workshopping and rehearsals will begin tonight and I’ll be blogging off and on about the experience. Just look for the “tale end 08” category to catch this ride. Serious props go to Solitaire for graciously stepping aside and handling this situation in the most professional manner. I will always be grateful to you for originating the role.

Chances are this may be a rolling post today.