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Yeah, I sent this off to our fabulous t-shirt printer last night. (If you are in the Big NO… these guys are great!) Come on, don’t you want to own one with a screwed apple on it? We’ll be selling them for $15 (if you live in the Big No and can pick it up personally) if it needs to be mailed to you it will cost $18. Sizes will come in MEN’S XXL, XL, L, WOMEN’S L, & M. If you are interested email me at whoelse@marcelnunis.com (make sure you list the size you want)… really soon… like by tomorrow… 3PM PST latest. Make sure your email has the subject line: Tale T.

Oh yeah… you read the last line… we now have a sponsor for the show. Kismet again. 🙂


Like still chipping away at the mountain of work that still exists. Because I have reconfigured and resetup the computers I am dealing with new programs… or at least newer versions of programs that I used to use. This slows down the output considerably. Plus with Mum’s current sprity but fuzzy state work involves lots of starts and stops. No matter… I’ll get through it.


No matter what your political affiliation may be… what happened yesterday was pretty historic.

More later… maybe?