So, fall is here… again

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I was made aware of this with a certain briskness in the air on my morning walk. Nice. Though this also means my early morning routine also takes place with lesser light. I don’t mind that though.

Fall and Spring are my two favorite seasons in this town. Compared to other parts it is much more subtle… the change in seasons, that is. Still, it puts more of a sprite to my steps. Cool mornings, warm days and very pleasant evenings.

I’m also aware that the days of wearing shorts are fast becoming impractical. The sarong? I can use that all year round. (BTW… I’ve been sarong clad for most of Summer if you must know.)

As much as I welcome the season I’m in the midst of needing to resolve something inside.

You see over the last couple of months I’ve been at a loss of purpose. I’m not talking about the everyday things that need tending… that, I’m taking care of bit by bit. I’m talking about something much deeper.

I was explaining to a friend the other day that even at my most challenging and/or desperate times… I always had a sense of purpose. At the moment that is absent. I feel a bit like a rudderless ship or a kite unattached to a string.

And no… this is not a funk. It is something else. It is the apparent absence of that innate yet unexplainable knowledge that one’s existence has purpose. It is not something that is dependent on externals. It is something that glows from within… the fuel that runs the engine, so to speak.

Now, before you start freaking out with tragic thoughts concerning my continued existence… put those away. I’ll admit that I might be suffering some low-level depression but I also believe strongly that it can be resolved.

I’ll just have to dig deeper to resolve this. Perhaps make that my mini-purpose until the larger one is stumbled upon.

To that end, my walk this morning in the cooler air has perked me up and improved my attitude to resolving this. Because any task one undertakes can only be realized with the right attitude, eh?

Here is wishing your day and week is going well.