I make no apologies…

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… that chances are pretty good I’ll be watching Kate & Will’s wedding. (I wrote that like I know them on a first name basis.) I make no apologies that on occasion I do enjoy some pomp and circumstance.

Yes, this will be a whole lot of that and more. This from a country (England) where they have over a thousand year tradition of pomp and circumstance… along with intrigue and murder along the way. (Funny how that can go hand in hand, huh?)

In a world that has gotten less formal… with cultures melding more than ever before, a little pomp and circumstance is actually refreshing. The last event of it’s ilk was over 30 years ago.

There are nations whose history goes back as long or even longer and whose traditions have eroded with time and political change. England is one of the few remaining that have survived with many of their traditions intact despite the tides of change.

So, I say… good on them! With this wedding they get to celebrate their own connection to their past as this new world of communication (estimated to be over 2 billion) looks on.

May the bride and groom build a good life together.